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FO718PL25 Pleated Media Filter Cartridges and Coalescer

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FO718PL25 Pleated Media Filter Cartridges and Coalescer

Brand: PartnerFilter

Model: FO718 PL25

Filter type: Coalescer Filter Cartridge

Length: 18.0 inches

Inside Diameter: 2.6 inches

Outside Diameter: 6 inches

Collapse strength:75 psi

Maximum operating temperature: 250°F (121.1°C)

Filter construction: Pleated layers

Application: Water Liquid Absorbing

PartnerFilter makes FO718 PL25 coalescing filters replacement and the FO series pleated paper filter provides a cost effective solution for removal of solid particulate contaminants in fuel and industrial fluids with high efficiencylong life to absorb the water in oil and gas.
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FO718 PL25 coalescing filter as micron-scale prefilter and coalescer,it’s designed to remove solid particle contaminants from aviation jet fuel,diesel fuel,industrial fluids and insulating oils used in power utilities.A variety of media from cellulose paper to high efficiency synthetic materials are available in a variety of micron grades rated for compatibility with your clarification application.

FO718 PL25 Coalescer Structure:

FO718 PL25 pleated coalescer oil filter cartridge is to improve the cleanliness of oil products, ensure the quality requirements of oil products, and ensure the long-term, efficient and safe operation of industrial equipment. In the oil, gas and water filtration equipment system, coalescing pleated filters belong to the category of coalescers and separators.

FO718PL25 Pleated Media Filter Cartridges and Coalescer

FO718 PL25 Specifications: 

• Collapse:75 psi 

• Operating pH range:5 - 9 

• Micron ratings: from 1/4 to 75 

• Nominal filtration efficiency:98%+ 

• Maximum operating temperature:250°F (121.1°C) 

• Recommended changeout differential pressure:25 psid 

Filter material pressure curve:

Our manufactured FO718PL25 oil filter cartridge media is made from high quality hydrophobic pleated cellulose material. The outer media layer filters out silt, rust and other particulate contaminants, while the inner layer absorbs water and chemicals. FO718 PL25 oil filter elements are widely used in various industrial industries such as power generation, oil and gas, petrochemicals, aerospace, etc.

FO718PL25 Pleated Media Filter Cartridges and Coalescer

FO718 PL25 Features:

• Large surface area: Allows high flow rates,low initial pressure drop,maximum contaminant capacity.

• Resin impregnating medium:Maintains strength,resists the effects of water and heat.

• High collapse strength: Heavy carbon steel end caps and center tubes provide a safe margin against pressure fluctuations with 75 psi.

• Coated steel parts: Resistant to corrosion by most industrial fluids.

• Corrugated filter material: Prevents folds from snapping and ensures that all filters are used.

• Buna-N Gaskets: The best universal gasket material to ensure reliable sealing in most fluids.

• Thermosetting adhesive material: Durable end caps and media bonding can prevent internal bypass.

• Threaded base element: can be used for easier installation.

Test standards:

Before delivery, Our manufactured FO718PL25 oil filter cartridge will be tested and follow the standards:

ISO 2941 Collapse & Burst Resistant

ISO 2942 Fabrication & Integrity Test

ISO 2943 Material Compatibility with Fluids

ISO 3724 Flow Fatigue Characteristics

ISO 3968 Pressure Drop vs. Flow Rate

ISO 16889 Multi-pass Performance Testing

Related Specification Filters
Model Number Nominal Micron Rating Dim. Protective Outer Wrap
FO-718PLP3 1/2 6¼"x 18"x 2 9 ∕16"ID No
FO-718PLO1 1 6¼"x 18"x 2 9 ∕16"ID Yes
FO-718PLO2 2 6¼"x 18"x 2 9 ∕16"ID Yes
FO-718PLO5 5 6¼"x 18"x 2 9 ∕16"ID Yes
FO-718PL10 10 6¼"x 18"x 2 9 ∕16"ID Yes
FO-718PL15 15 6¼"x 18"x 2 9 ∕16"ID Yes
FO-718PL25 25 6¼"x 18"x 2 9 ∕16"ID Yes
FO-718PL50 30 6¼"x 18"x 2 9 ∕16"ID Yes
FO-718PLP3 0.3 6¼"x 18"x 2 9 ∕16"ID No
FO-736PLP3 0.3 6¼" x 36”2 9∕16"ID No
FO-736PL1/2 1/2 6¼" x 36”2 9∕16"ID No
FO-736PLO5 5 6¼" x 36”2 9∕16"ID Yes
FO-736PL15 15 6¼" x 36”2 9∕16"ID Yes
FO-822PLP3 0.3 8"x 22 1∕8"x2"ID No
FO-B22P12 1/2 8"x 22 1∕8"x2"ID No
FO-822PLO5 5 8"x 22 1∕8" x2"ID No
FO-829PLO5 5 8"x 29 ½"x2"ID No
If you have no standard filter code numbers please send us your filters specifications or samples we can customize as your requests.

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Our filtering installations are well received by cooperative partners.

Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China Partner Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.




No.368 Wenyan Street, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China, Wangjiali Industrial Zone.

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