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SO-424V5 Parker Velcon Filter Separator Cartridge Replacement

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SO-424V5 Parker Velcon Filter Separator Cartridge Replacement


Model: SO-424V5

Type: Oil Separator

Length: 24 inches

Outside Diameter: 4.6 inches

Inside Diameter: 3.5 inches

Seal Material: Buna-N

Filter Media: Teflon

End Cap: Blind

Series:SO-324V5,SO-633VA5,SO-613GS,SO-633VASN,SO-630PV5,SO-609V,SO-323V5 more

The SO-424V5 seperator carrier filter is used as the second stage of the filter/separator container to remove agglomerated water droplets generated by the first stage filter cartridge, but it can smoothly pass through fluids in the form of hydrocarbons. Design pits to allow water droplets to settle into the pits and isolate infiltration downstream.
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SO-424V5 separator cartridge filter is used as the second stage of the filter/separator container to remove agglomerated water droplets generated by the first stage filter cartridge, but it can smoothly pass through fluids in the form of hydrocarbons. Design a pit to allow water droplets to settle into the pit, isolating infiltration into downstream fuel.

Performance Parameter:

• Applied aviation and industry

• Applicable standard EI 1581

• Variable pipe type

• Aluminum pipes

• The end cover is made of aluminum or glass filled nylon

• Medium: TCS medium and folded medium

• TCS medium: 200 mesh stainless steel screen, coated with green polytetrafluoroethylene on both sides.

• Folding medium: Paper soaked in resin treated with silicone resin, with a protective aluminum screen cover installed on the outside.

SO-424V5 Large Flux Characteristics:

Our Manufactured SO-424V5 oil separator filter structure adopts a straight-through large flow design, with a large filtration area and processing capacity. SO-424V5 large flow design can quickly process a large amount of liquid, quickly remove suspended particles, pollutants and other impurities, and ensure the quality and purity of the liquid. Prevent blockages and damage to pipes, equipment and systems. oil separator has the characteristics of pressure resistance and wear resistance, and is suitable for harsh working environments with high temperature and high pressure.

We make large flow separator filter elements can be customized according to requirements to ensure the best filtration effect and performance.

• Best secondary dehydration.

• Can provide media selection for Teflon ® Coating screen, synthetic or wrinkled paper medium.

• The filtration performance has been tested on site and long-term use, ensuring stability, safety, and reliability.

• There are many options for replacing components, and maintenance and installation are convenient.

• By using TCS components, the dehydration efficiency can be further improved.

...SO-424V5 Parker Velcon Filter Separator Cartridge Replacement

Core functions:

(1) Secondary dehydration.

(2) Fluid in the form of hydrocarbons can pass smoothly.

(3) Significantly reduce the amount of water entering downstream fuel.

(4) The cost-effective TCS components can be reused in many coalescer filter replacement cycles.

(5) The tube type is variable and can adapt to various application scenarios.

Whole Structure Material:

• Teflon-coated screens

• Treated metal parts provide protection against corrosion

• Buna-N washers

• Additional washers, adhesives and metal materials may be supplied upon request

Filter Membrane Material:

We make SO-424V5 oil separator cartridge filter uses high-performance Teflon filter material. Moisture resistance: the surface of Teflon does not stick to water and oil. If there is dirt, can be removed by simply wiping it. Temperature resistance: does not become brittle at freezing temperatures and does not melt at high temperatures. Wear resistance: smooth surface has a very low coefficient of friction. Corrosion resistance: almost immune to any kind of chemical corrosion.

...SO-424V5 Parker Velcon Filter Separator Cartridge Replacement

PartnerFilter also offers a full range of replacement filter elements:

Parker & Velcon

PECO & Facet



Other types are available on request

Related Specification Filters

We corporation are excellent oil seperator filter cartridge manufacturers.

Our manufactured SO-424V5 oil seperator filters are guaranteed to meet or exceed OEM filter requirements

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SO-612V5 SO-614V5 SO-614VA5 SO-616VA5 SO-618VA5 SO-638V5
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SO-627VA5 SO-629VA5 SO-636V5 SO-636VA5 SO-630PV5 SO-630V5
SO-633PV5 SO-633V5 SO-633VA5 SO-636PV5 SO-646V5 SO-648V5
SO-640PV5 SO-640VA5 SO-643VA5 SO-644PV5 SO-644V5 SO-644VA5
SO-436VSN5 SO-609VASN5 SO-611VASN5 SO-614VASN5 SO-614VSN5
If you have no standard filter code numbers, please send us your filters specifications or sampleswe can customize as your requests.

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Our filtering installations are well received by cooperative partners.

Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China Partner Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.




No.368 Wenyan Street, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China, Wangjiali Industrial Zone.

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